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We can't wait to meet you this Sunday

Our Services

Kenmore Church is a vibrant, Christ-centered community where people of all ages can grow in faith and purpose. We gather weekly to worship God through song, word and fellowship. Our services begin with live worship and are followed by teaching. The entire service normally lasts about 80 minutes.

Service Times

Sunday Mornings at 8:00am and 10:00am  
Sunday Evenings at 5:00pm  
Kids and Youth Programs available during the 10:00am service.

Campus Location

41 Brookfield Rd,
Kenmore, QLD 4069

KC Kids

KC Kids provides a safe and loving environment where together kids enjoy: worship, games, connecting with friends, scripture and being uplifted in prayer. 

We cater for children from 3 years to grade 6. 

Sunday Youth

Each Sunday of the school term, our junior youth (Grade 7-9) join together for a church service that is more for them! We stick around in the main 10am service for worship, before slipping out the back door to do some devotionals, play games and learn more about Jesus together. 

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To stay up-to-date with what’s going on at Kenmore Church and receive regular emails from the team, sign up for the Kenmore Church Newsletter.