Adult Ministry

Your lifelong journey of growth. 

Filling Hearts.

Fuelling Mission.

At Kenmore Church, we see the Christian journey as a cycle of seasons rather than a straight path. Each season nurtures four key aspects of a believer’s life: faith, freedom, following, and fruitfulness—each building upon the last in an ongoing rhythm of growth and renewal.

Because this journey is lifelong, we shape our ministries to help you take the next step, no matter where you are. Each season brings new opportunities for God to fill and fuel your faith, drawing you deeper into His purpose.

To support you in this, we offer reFORM, reFRESH, and reFOCUS—a series of quarterly courses designed to meet you where you are and equip you for what’s next in your walk with Jesus.

Find Your Next Step

Building a wider foundation for life with God. 

Growing reliance on who God is, what He has said, and His offer of life. 

Resources for you: 

  • Alpha - For those with questions about faith.
  • Small Groups - Regular connections in homes.   
  • re:FRESH - Activating the potential of a renewed soul. 

    Learning to live from God, not only for God. 

    For those wanting to break-through in an area of life or spirituality. 

    Resources for you: 

    • re:FORM – For those who know it is time for a change.
    • Prayer Ministry - hands-on ministry for dealing with the past. 

      Discovering my purpose and unique calling. 

      For those wanting to work out their next step in following Jesus.

      Resources for you: 

      • re:FOCUS – For those who will take up their eternal calling. 
      • Join a team - use your gifts to serve the mission. 

      Multiplying my influence in the world. 

      Doing the things God has called you to do, in the places He has called you to be.

      Resources for you: 

      • Missional Homes - Missional living made simple. 
      • Leadership Development - For those who want to grow in their leadership.
      • Church Planting - Expanding the kingdom.