Kids Ministries

Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.

KC Kids

Sundays at 10:00am

KC Kids provides a safe and loving environment where together kids enjoy: worship, games, connecting with friends, scripture and being uplifted in prayer. 

We cater for children from 3 years to grade 6. High school aged children are catered for by our Friday and Sunday Youth programs.


Fridays Fortnightly at 5:30pm

If you're in Grades 4-6, join us from 5:30pm - 7pm on Fridays for games, laughs, friendly faces and dinner. You'll have some fun + learn about Jesus with your friends.  

Mainly Music

9:30am on Thursdays

Mainly Music is an Australia-wide program that will run weekly on Thursday mornings, where babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers and parents are treated to music and story, activity and interaction, structured and unstructured fun. Only $5 per family. 

Step up to Serve

Are you passionate about shaping the next generation of believers? We’re looking for volunteers who are ready to share their time, talents, and love with the kids in our church community. Join us in fostering an atmosphere where kids can grow in their faith and experience God’s love!