Grades 4-6 - 5:30pm Fridays
If you're in Grades 4-6, join us from 5:30pm - 7pm on Fridays for games, laughs, friendly faces and dinner. You'll have some fun + learn about Jesus with your friends.
If you'd like more info contact our Kids Director Elize and she'll tell you all you need to know!
Term 1:
Friday 7th February
Friday 21st February
Friday 7th March
Friday 21st March
Term 2:
Friday 2nd May
Friday 16th May
Friday 30th May
Friday 13th June
Term 3:
Friday 25th July
Friday 8th August
Friday 22nd August
Friday 5th September
Term 4:
Friday 17th October
Friday 31st October
Friday 14th November
Friday 28th November